The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is working in partnership with FortisBC and GreenStep Solutions to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs for tourism stakeholders within the Thompson Okanagan region.

Tourism businesses have the opportunity to receive one of two levels of assessments:

  1. Any tourism business in the Thompson Okanagan region can receive a complimentary virtual Energy Assessment.

  2. Biosphere Committed Companies can receive a full Eco Efficiency Assessment of onsite energy, water, and waste, which includes an eco-efficiency toolkit and a one-year subscription to carbon software at no extra cost.

Benefits of Participating

Identify energy-related cost-saving opportunities for your business and reduce your bills


What is Included

1. An analysis of all your lighting, other equipment, and utility billing data to understand your energy usage

2. A report summarizing energy and cost-saving opportunities 

3. Implementation support if required


The Process

10 minute onboarding call

Your company will provide:

  • utility bills (if required)

  • a list of all the equipment/lighting you use

TOTA will provide:

  • A report summarizing cost-saving opportunities identified and rebates if available

  • Implementation support if required


Energy Assessment VS Eco Efficiency Program

There are some benefits of becoming a Biosphere Committed Company, including the Eco Efficiency Program:

Onsite Energy Assessment Desktop analysis of historical utility data Onsite Water Assessment Onsite Waste Audit 1 year subscription to carbon accounting software Summary Report 30 minute call to discuss findings
Eco Efficiency Program
NOTE: For Biosphere Committment Program Members
Energy Only Assessment
NOTE: Available to all tourism companies operating in the Thompson Okanagan
